Unique anniversary at De Kandelaar

On 21st June 2020, it was exactly 20 years ago that the first cows were milked with the “VMS” at De Kandelaar.  Definitely a moment to remember with the people of the first hour at DeLaval, Steenwijk, and our current dealer Van der Sluis Agri.  We were surprised with a delicious cream cake, flowers and a BBQ.  We made it into a great reunion and everybody was there who have helped us during the setup of the “VMS”.

Twenty years ago milking a cow with a milking robot was still in its infancy, however, the milking robot has now grown into a reliable milking machine.  Thanks to the “VMS”, we have a healthy herd with increased milk production and less udder inflammation.  We are happy with the flexibility that the milking robot has created for us; more time for social activities and meals at regular times.

Our “VMS” is the oldest DeLaval milking robot in the world and has now completed 1.9 million milking cycles.  With two major updates in recent years, we are well on the way to the 25th silver anniversary.