The other animals
The dogs
When you enter the yard you are greeted warmly by our dogs. First of all our Swiss mountain dog Tahra. She is an enthusiastic and happy dog that keeps an eye on everything and monitors it all!
In addition, our youngest and cheerful Cookie, an Appenzeller Sennen dog. Finally our two Jack Russels, Pukkie and Pip. Pukkie, Marlies’ dog, is a real mouse/rat catcher, but she prefers to go with the tractor. Pip is Pukkie’s daughter and, just like her mother, a real hunter for mice and rats.




The chickens
The chickens
These are our Barnevelder chickens. They provide a fresh egg every morning. They also clean up the soil under the bushes all day.
The cats
Of course, there are cats with us on the farm. They ensure that we don’t have any inconvenience of mice. In winter, the cats can often be found in the stable and barn and once the harvest begins, they go hunting for mice. Each year we look forward to some nice young kittens from them. Please contact us if you are looking for a nice cat on the farm.
The sheep and goats
Here you can see the sheep. At the moment we have one ewe of the Texel breed and one Drenthe heath sheep. Every spring lambs are born. For us this is the real start of the spring.
Since Mariska always had goats, the pygmy goats shouldn’t be lacking on De Kandelaar. Also with the goats we expect young goats every winter, to play and jump around on the tubes in the meadow.