Nomination Flevoland Business woman of the year

The election of Flevoland Business woman is an annual event organised by the Association of Flevoland Business Women, which is a network of enterprising women who share knowledge and experience. In April, Mariska received amazing news; she had been nominated for Business Woman of Flevoland in the category Independent Professional 2023! Other nominees in the same category were Maya Nirsoe at HousingNOW from Almere and Sandra Reina Schaap a YOGANU from Emmeloord.  Unfortunately, Mariska was not chosen as the winner in this category.  However, it has been a huge honour to be nominated and Mariska feels proud of having received this nomination and with that the appreciation of all the work she does.  Not only for the Bed & Breakfast, cheese production, the milk tap and all the work she does at the Kandelaar, but also the organisation of the Tulip Route in Flevoland and the promotion of the youngest county in the Netherlands, Flevoland!

The annual event was a success and included the last assignment, by giving a 2-minute pitch on stage.  It is a rigorous process for all 9 nominees in 3 different categories; various meetings leading up to this evening, including workshops on marketing and promotion, a radio interview with the Flevoland broadcasting company. Recording of a short promotion film and the final task on the night, a 2-minute pitch during the election night on 9th June.

Other news on the farm The arrival of the New Holland.  After almost 20 years we exchanged the New Holland TS110, which ran for 11984 hours, for a beautiful New Holland T5.210. Of course, the new arrival needed to be celebrated with a nice piece of cake, which was brought by the representative Maas v.d. Brand of the mechanic company Timmerman in Swifterbant.


Tulip route Flevoland almost started

Despite the cold, rainy weather, there is always plenty to do at De Kandelaar. In recent weeks, we have made plenty of cheese in various flavours, which are now available in the farm vending machine in our milk house.  More and more people find their way to our delicious milk for cappuccinos, lattes, hot/cold chocolate or pudding and other products.  The milk house with the milk tap and farm vending machine can be found along the road, indicated by the flags and is open daily.

Tulpenroute Flevoland

We are also in full preparation for the Tulip Route Flevoland 2023.  This will start on Saturday 15th April.  De Kandelaar is again the starting location, and also along the cycle route.  You can relax on our covered terrace, visit our mini-market which has some nice gadgets or take a farm-tour!  There is also plenty of information about tulip cultivation.

During the Tulip Route we are open daily from 10:00 to 17:00 for 3 weeks.  Starting date is Saturday 15th April and the last day will be Sunday 7th May 2023. We look forward to meeting you during the Flevoland Tulip Route!