
Bed & Breakfast De Kandelaar celebrates its anniversary with 4 tulips!

Yesterday our Bed & Breakfast has been officially classified as four tulips. This is the second highest quality category of the Dutch classification system for bed & breakfasts. Bed & Breakfast De Kandelaar received the four tulips after a visit by a mystery guest from the Foundation Bed & Breakfast The Netherlands.

Since June the Bed & Breakfast De Kandelaar has opened their doors again for visitors and guests. Fortunately, this ended a very quiet period during the lock-down due to Corona. Bed & Breakfast De Kandelaar receives many guests through Bed & Breakfast The Netherlands. A foundation that provides information and awards qualification of Bed & Breakfasts (1 to 5 tulips).

To classify the Bed & Breakfast, a mystery guest visits the B&B for assessment. The mystery guest’s report for De Kandelaar stated: “Something for everyone: there is a lot to do in the areaplenty of information about restaurants and activities. The breakfast was ample: sandwiches, all kinds of fillings and spreads, yogurt and fruit on a nicely set table. Outside there is ample place to sit, a picnic table with benches and a view of the farm. A look around the farm is also fun activity; it all looks very neat and tidy

A Bed & Breakfast with four tulips will have an excellent level of quality. The interior of four tulip Bed & Breakfasts is luxurious and a lot of care has been given to the interior and the exterior of the property. You can expect high quality with many amenities and facilities plus excellent service when you stay at a four tulip B&B”, according to the Foundation Bed & Breakfast The Netherlands.

This award comes at a special time as this coincides with our 12½ anniversary of B&B De Kandelaar in September.  It shows we guarantee quality and good care of our guests.

Unique anniversary at De Kandelaar

On 21st June 2020, it was exactly 20 years ago that the first cows were milked with the “VMS” at De Kandelaar.  Definitely a moment to remember with the people of the first hour at DeLaval, Steenwijk, and our current dealer Van der Sluis Agri.  We were surprised with a delicious cream cake, flowers and a BBQ.  We made it into a great reunion and everybody was there who have helped us during the setup of the “VMS”.

Twenty years ago milking a cow with a milking robot was still in its infancy, however, the milking robot has now grown into a reliable milking machine.  Thanks to the “VMS”, we have a healthy herd with increased milk production and less udder inflammation.  We are happy with the flexibility that the milking robot has created for us; more time for social activities and meals at regular times.

Our “VMS” is the oldest DeLaval milking robot in the world and has now completed 1.9 million milking cycles.  With two major updates in recent years, we are well on the way to the 25th silver anniversary.

Guests are welcome again at Bed & Breakfast

It is already May! The month of April seemed to have passed us by without the crowds for the Tulip Route, no lunches and/or excursions, no meetings and no guests in our Bed & Breakfast. With following the guidelines and regulations of the RIVM (National Institute for Public Health and the Environment), such as the 1.5 metre regulation, guests are welcome again at De Kandelaar.

Despite the lack of crowds there has been plenty of activity on the farm. The potatoes are planted, corn and sugar beets have been sown. Unfortunately, it currently is very dry and despite the few showers over the past few days, the reel will start up again. The crops now really need moisture to grow.  And yes, we are delighted with the birth of goats, lambs and kitties.  In short, plenty of spring life!

Because of the quietness, we were able to enjoy the beautiful tulip fields and the beautiful weather more intensely. The tulip heart has blossomed beautifully and we are sure it will be back next year. In April 2021 we hope to let everyone enjoy the beauty of the tulips again. For now, stay healthy and look after each other. We hope to meet again soon. Check out the video on the Bed & Breakfast.

Life does not stand still on the farm.

What a turbulent time we are experiencing. The world has been affected by the misery surrounding the Corona virus. It is very quiet at De Kandelaar; no visits from guests or meetings in the Bed & Breakfast and no visits from representatives.

The girls are home from school and do the tasks they have been given. Fortunately, they can play outside and there are still the animals to look after.

The organisation of Tulip Route Flevoland has also been affected by the Corona virus. All work has been halted and the decision has been made not to plan any routes or organise activities. We really sympathise with the people affected by the Corona virus, but also with the entrepreneurs, including the tulip farmers. Fortunately, our tulip farmers can enjoy all the beauty

that is currently blossoming on the land. We are waiting for enough drought and will then start sowing sugar beet and corn and planting potatoes. If everything continues to grow, the first grass cut will start in April. The “dry” cows have already taken their first steps outside and enjoy the sun and their walk outside.

In short, life does not stand still on the farm, but it is quiet. We wish everyone a lot of strength at this time, take care of yourself and your loved ones!



Off to the New Year!

At the end of the year we look back to the past year. 2019 has been an eventful year for the agricultural sector in The Netherlands. Yes, we have also visited The Hague with our tractor.  These protests are desperately needed because current political decisions are often made on the basis of emotions instead of actually looking at the figures and listening to experts. We hope 2020 will bring more wisdom concerning the agricultural sector and not only to the politicians in The Hague but also the Dutch and the press.  We try and do our bit by providing our guests at the De Kandelaar with correct and honest information.


We will do during Tulpenroute Flevoland 2020. The opening is planned for Friday 10th April 2020 (Good Friday).  De Kandelaar will then be open daily until 5th May. We would like to take this opportunity to showcase our company; explain the tulip cultivation, but above else let everybody enjoy the beauty of the tulips. In the context of this year’s theme, “75 years of freedom”, we have planted a mosaic of tulips in the shape of the freedom symbol.  However, we have also planted a beautiful heart of tulips and of course the Dutch flag.



A special carnival in 2020. Marc and Mariska have been asked by Prince Pieter II and Princess Yvonne in ‘t Bokkenriek in St. Hubert (south of The Netherlands) to join their court; Marc as adjutant, Mariska as the court lady.  Regularly they are all on the road with the St. Hubert carnival club De Bokken.

A warm, growing summer

During the second “heat wave” I wrote this new message from De Kandelaar. In Flevoland we also reached temperatures of 39C. Fortunately it remained 10 degrees cooler in the stables with the help of two large fans and a small sprayer. The cows remained calm hence milk production has remained equal.

With the showers from time to time we have been able to cut the grass for the 5th time this week (normally half is the standard). In the meantime, the grass seed harvest is more than a month ago and we now wait for the month of September (removed comer) when we will harvest corn, potatoes and onions.

Today we made a start on the construction of a new path to reach our fields better; a nice smooth concrete path which will soon be used to bring in the harvest..

This week we were also mentioned in the local newspaper ‘Flevopost’ with an article written by Flow Media about our guests who have been staying with us each year during the Lowlands for more than 10 years. You can read the article from Flevopost.

Finally a photo of our young kittens; Nala, Simba and Sarabi were born on 4th August.



Tulip route Flevoland approaching kickoff!

Preparations for the 2019 Tulip route Flevoland are being finalized. The opening will take place at Bed & Breakfast De Kandelaar on Saturday 13 April. From 10:00am everybody is welcome and the official opening will be performed by representatives of the municipality of Dronten, Lelystad and Zeewolde at around 10:30am.

At the opening there will also be the Tulip Market where you can gain information on the cultivation of tulips or this year’s tulip routes (walk, bike or car) or the Floriade. As part of the Golden Age theme Batavialand will show and promote the foundation’s preservation and commercial operation of the heritage park that represents, describes and exhibits the history and characteristics of the Netherlands, living on the boundary between land and water, with old crafts. Or you can take a selfie with the Golden tractor of Team Agro, Polderzoom will showcase and sell their cheeses from the region, IJsbrouwers will cater with their homemade icecream and Vaya Con Dios perform their music. In addition, there are appealing and alluring tulip gadgets available, from tulip umbrellas to tulip shopping bags and tea made from tulips. The Tulip Market is open until 5:00pm.

From 13 April to 5 May 2019, Bed & Breakfast De Kandelaar is open daily from 10:00am to 5:00pm.Whilst you are enjoying a cup of coffee, tea or a soft drink with a piece of home-made cake on our covered terrace, you can get more information about the tulip cultivation. There will also be a number of stalls selling tulip items. Also every day fresh tulips will be available directly from the tulip farmers. On 22 April, Easter Monday, there will be another large Tulip Market with even more tulip art and the male choir „Flevo’s mannenkoor“ will perform between 1:00 and 3:00pm. Bed & Breakfast De Kandelaar is located on the car route of Lelystad. More information about all routes can be found at



Into the new year!

2018 was a year which brought much uncertainty for dairy farms. We monitored the news regarding Phosphate Regulations with trepidation.

2018 was also a year of extreme drought across much of Europe. Fortunately the soil on the farm is heavily clay based with water retaining properties and therefore not as susceptible to drought conditions. However, with the drought conditions in mind we did try a few things a little differently than in previous years:

  • we sprinkled the potatoes six times, while we normally would never do that and the yield proved to be good.
  • we did not irrigate the sugar beet, which resulted in a slightly lower yield but with a sugar content of 17.5%, there was more than enough sugar cubes generated from one hectare.
  • we also managed to harvest more than enough grass and maize silage which we attribute to the clay soil

Sustainable farming and living is something we pride ourselves on. In a bid to contribute more to sustainability, we decided to install Solar Panels onto our farm buildings’ roofs. As a result our homes now use and produce only green energy.

Looking forward into 2019, the first few months will be dedicated to preparing for the Tulip Route and these are in full swing. Join us on Saturday 13 and Monday 22 April 2019 for the Tulip Market, where various local companies will present their produce, products and services. The Flevoland Tulip Routes are open from 13 April to 5 May 2019. More information can be found on Tulpenroute Flevoland.



Tourist season starts

Due to the changing, sometimes extremely hot weather, the flowering time of the tulips was short this year and the tulip routes have now finished. Yet many people from home and abroad, even as far as from India and Thailand, have visited us. They took a look at the tulip fields, watched the film about tulip cultivation and educated themselves about 100 years of Zuiderzee law.

On the land a lot has been done, such as the corn, sugar beet and onions are sown. The potatoes have been planted and the ‘backs’ have been milled. The first cut of grass has been mowed and the grassland is manured, so hopefully we can cut the second cut of grass in 4 weeks.

Meanwhile, we continue to receive guests at our Bed & Breakfast. Either for a visit to one of the entertainment parks in the area such as Walibi, Dolfinarium (Sea World) or Aviodrome or to go shopping in Batavia Stad.  We also have guest stay, who work or train in the close vicinity of our B&B.

Finally, on 26 April, we organised a surprise party for Jos & Maria (the original owners of De Kandelaar) to celebrate 50 years of marriage. With family and many friends we had turned it into a beautiful party, which we all enjoyed leaving us with fond memories.

Opening Tulip Routes Flevoland 2018

Time flies!  While the last cold days pass by in the Netherlands, we are already focusing on spring and are currently delivering the potatoes from our shed. Three trucks full of potatoes are delivered to the stores every day, the onions are also delivered so the storage shed will soon be completely empty. Meanwhile, we are starting again with the new planting season and expect to sow the sugar beet by the end of this week.

In the meantime we are busy at the Bed & Breakfast with bookings and preparations for the tulip route Flevoland 2018. This year, again, the opening will take place at De Kandelaar. On Saturday, 14th April there will be a tulip market from 10:00am to 4:00pm, where various companies from the region will promote their products and services. At 10:30am the official opening of all the tulip routes in Flevoland takes place. This year, 4 car routes, 4 cycle routes and a walking route are planned for three weeks, from 14th April to 5th May.

Our location is on the car route ‘Lelystad’ and cycle route ‘Lelystad’. However, the routes in Dronten and Zeewolde are easy to drive from our location. In short, plenty of opportunities to admire the many beautiful fields and visit the companies that organize an activity. More information and the routes can be found on

In addition to the Tulip market on 14th April, we will have an exhibition about tulip cultivation from that day until 5th May. On the basis of photos, more explanation is given about the cultivation of tulips. Ed Voigt will also exhibit on 100 years of Zuiderzee (the South Sea) law and Ir. Lely.

We welcome you from 14th April to 5th May between 10:00am to 4:00pm – every day.